Bottom cover for Pentax K-30

Battery box for Pentax K-30.

Repair of aperture control block on Pentax K-30 and Pentax K-50 cameras.

Bottom cover for Pentax K-30
Pentax Camera Repair By PC35 PhotoLab
Cell Phone 209-753-8553 (If no answer please send text message or email us at PentaxRepair@proton.me)
PC35 PhotoLab
3400 NE Hideaway Lane, Yachats, OR 97498

This repair service applies to the repair of aperture control block failure in several Pentax DSLR models including the K-30, K-50, K-70, K-500, K-S1, K-S2, K-r, K-x, K100D, and many older istD models. This list may not be complete. Aperture control block failure is most common in the K-30 and K-50. Virtually all aperture control failures involve the use of the "green" solenoid, but we have received a few older models using the "white" solenoid that have also failed. If you are having an aperture control problem with your Pentax camera please ask so we can determine if it is fixable (Email: PentaxRepair@proton.me or cell phone 209-753-8553). If you cannot reach us by cell phone please send an email or text message.
Failure of the aperture control block is fairly easy to diagnose. Most if not all of your pictures will come out dark or very under-exposed. Usually the lens aperture will remain closed no matter the lighting conditions or mode used on the camera, including manual and flash mode. One way to see aperture function is to place the camera in manual mode and use a slow shutter speed (1 sec.). Now, look into the lens and trigger the shutter. Adjust your aperture from wide open (f4.0, or maximum lens aperture)) to closed (f32). With a properly functioning aperture control you should see a pin hole like aperture at f32 and a wide open aperture at f4, around 3/4 inches in diameter depending upon the model lens. With a failed aperture control block the lens aperture will remain at or near f32 no matter which f setting you select on the camera. The only way to use the camera is by attaching a lens (usually an older lens) with an aperture ring that allows you to manually adjust the lens aperture from the lens and not from the camera. If you are unsure of your camera problem please email or call. We will try to determine if it is the aperture control block. Email: PentaxRepair@proton.me or cell phone 209-753-8553. If you cannot reach us by phone please message us or send an email. They will be answered as soon as possible.
We charge a flat $100.00 plus return shipping for repair of the aperture control block. This repair includes a modification of the aperture control block in order for it to function properly. We believe this should be a permanent fix of the aperture control block and we will guarantee proper aperture function for one year. If the aperture block fails again, return the camera to us and we will repair it again. You'll only pay return shipping. Having your aperture control block replaced by Pentax may not guarantee it won't fail again. This part appears to fail over time and use. It is likely a quality control problem, meaning some aperture controls will function indefinitely while others will fail. We believe our solution is better because it is a permanent fix and at around half the cost of having Pentax replace the control block. Expect a turnaround time of two to three weeks. The repair itself is quick but we test the camera for a period of time to assure it is stable.
Please be aware we do not have the parts to repair other problems with the camera, nor will we attempt to repair other problems with the camera.
Please Note: There are now several "How To" online videos showing you how to fix your aperture control. These are crude and unreliable fixes. We have successfully repaired hundreds of Pentax cameras over the last two years. We use specialized tools, some homemade, and specialized instruments to actually measure what we change in the aperture control. We have done the research to know WHY the aperture control fails. Without knowing this any fix is just a temporary band-aid. We are now getting customer cameras with attempted Youtube video repairs only to end up with a camera in worse shape and still not working.
Note: We are not an authorized Pentax repair facility. But we are Pentax enthusiasts and enjoy using this quality camera. PC35 PhotoLab has been in business for over 20 years.
Repairing your camera is easy. For shipping do not include your lens, battery, SD card, or camera strap. Just the body. If you have the front lens ring cover that is fine, It helps keep out dirt. Plastic bubble wrap is best in a strong cardboard box. It is probably wise to insure it. We insure all cameras returned within the USA. At this time we do not ship your camera outside the USA. Once repaired we will test the camera for a few days to make sure it is performing correctly, basically trying to get it to misbehave. Once we are satisfied we return it to you. If for some reason we cannot repair it we will return it to you minus return shipping cost. Our shipping address is: PC35 PhotoLab, 3400 NE Hideaway Lane, Yachats, OR 97498. Priority Mail works best for us and is usually the most economical.
Note: We no longer use Paypal for payment processing, but we still accept most credit/debit cards for payment. Use the payment box below. You can also include a check with your camera if you prefer by check.
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($100 + $25 for return shipping)